THOR! God of Thunder! Prince of Celestial Asgard! He chooses nonetheless to seek his destiny on Midgard* as champion of toiling humankind. Thor is the very image of eternal youth—vigorous in body, commanding in presence... troubled in spirit—
Welcome to my webshrine dedicated to the Mighty Thor! Thor is perhaps the strangest member of the already wacky Marvel family. Although he debuted in the 60s, in spirit he was really a relic of the pulp era that somehow, against all odds, managed to survive the decades and emerge on the big screen as a key part of the MCU—and a multi-million dollar gig for Chris Hemsworth.
Even in the MCU, Thor has been treated as something of a joke. Sure, an actual Norse Norse god may be a silly choice for a superhero, but c'mon! How is that any less cool than any other strong man in tights? He's a kind of weirdly literal answer to Umberto Eco's "Myth of Superman"—taking a heroic mythological figure and creating new legends in the modern format of the superhero comic.
OK, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's not that much going on with Thor. He's just a Viking warrior roaming the galaxy to defend Heaven and Earth, who also sometimes throws his hammer in with the Avengers. But that's what I love about him.